• Series Name: Agent Carter
    Season: 2
    Best Episode: E09 - A Little Song and Dance
    Why: season 2 to incredible season 1, follows same creative and smart writing for TV MCU.
    Should: if you saw season 1 you would want to know what happens next?
    My Ratings: 7 - #Good

    #AgentCarter or #PeggyCarter was and will remain best thing for this show because #HayleyAtwell was amazing, she does work in a world of men but she surely beats everyone on screen with her. Such charismatic actor. So season 1 was great with smart introduction to world after #CaptainAmerica had gone missing, World War ended and women’s role was not yet set in corporate world. However Season 2 goes bigger as it wanted to create more Marvel world, giving us little things for example season 2 indirectly proves existence of #DoctorStrange before the movie came out. Such writing was expected from this show until it was cancelled. The focus of season 2 is Zero Matter, a matter that embodies into Whitney Frost (#WynnEverett) who I believe was the most interesting thing of the show, and her character development was given perfectly considering she was new on show. The episodes do vary from time to time, they feel disconnected at times, maybe that is why once show is about to end in finale it never quite hits the viewer like it should, the name of last episode Hollywood Ending, just proves that writers were very lazy in giving us a meaningful ending especially considering that show will now never return. Ties-in to #AgentOfShield and somewhat #AgeOfUltron was nice, the whole Dottie Underwood (#BridgetRegan) Russian spy program gave much needed backdrop for #BlackWidow from #Avengers. Even though she was not there on the show, we as viewer get to know what happen and how she was trained as a kid. All in all I believe people should have seen this show as it was unique but still aligned with much of comic book shows, it was smartly using its time period for its own use and tell cool stories that set in MCU because they didn’t had to prove it. Agent Carter had some of good score but the CGI was bland, like I said it went bigger but this element was not welcomed on the show.

    Too many nods to Marvel universe. Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter.

    So so CGI. Cancelled show. Bland ending.
    Series Name: Agent Carter Season: 2 Best Episode: E09 - A Little Song and Dance Why: season 2 to incredible season 1, follows same creative and smart writing for TV MCU. Should: if you saw season 1 you would want to know what happens next? My Ratings: 7 - #Good #AgentCarter or #PeggyCarter was and will remain best thing for this show because #HayleyAtwell was amazing, she does work in a world of men but she surely beats everyone on screen with her. Such charismatic actor. So season 1 was great with smart introduction to world after #CaptainAmerica had gone missing, World War ended and women’s role was not yet set in corporate world. However Season 2 goes bigger as it wanted to create more Marvel world, giving us little things for example season 2 indirectly proves existence of #DoctorStrange before the movie came out. Such writing was expected from this show until it was cancelled. The focus of season 2 is Zero Matter, a matter that embodies into Whitney Frost (#WynnEverett) who I believe was the most interesting thing of the show, and her character development was given perfectly considering she was new on show. The episodes do vary from time to time, they feel disconnected at times, maybe that is why once show is about to end in finale it never quite hits the viewer like it should, the name of last episode Hollywood Ending, just proves that writers were very lazy in giving us a meaningful ending especially considering that show will now never return. Ties-in to #AgentOfShield and somewhat #AgeOfUltron was nice, the whole Dottie Underwood (#BridgetRegan) Russian spy program gave much needed backdrop for #BlackWidow from #Avengers. Even though she was not there on the show, we as viewer get to know what happen and how she was trained as a kid. All in all I believe people should have seen this show as it was unique but still aligned with much of comic book shows, it was smartly using its time period for its own use and tell cool stories that set in MCU because they didn’t had to prove it. Agent Carter had some of good score but the CGI was bland, like I said it went bigger but this element was not welcomed on the show. Bonus Too many nods to Marvel universe. Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter. Drawbacks So so CGI. Cancelled show. Bland ending.
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  • Qual a ordem certa para assistir aos filmes da Marvel e ficar "Expert" para VINGADORES: ULTIMATO?

    Estoure sua pipoca e comece a maratona.


    1 - ‘Capitão América: O Primeiro Vingador’ (2011)

    O filme conta como Steve Rogers ganha os poderes do super-soldado e parte para o confronto contra a Hydra e o Caveira Vermelha, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial (a joia do espaço aparece sob a forma do Tesseract).

    2 - [fase 3] Capitã Marvel (2019)

    Em ordem cronológica, Capitã Marvel se passa antes do fim de Guerra Infinita e depois de Capitão América, porém, é interessante pensar no filme como um flashback que ajudará a configurar os eventos de “Avengers: Endgame” em vez de tentar encaixá-los na linha cronológica dos filmes, afinal, Capitã Marvel se passa majoritariamente nos anos 1990.

    Na trama, conheceremos a aventura de Carol Danvers, uma agente da CIA que tem contato com uma raça alienígena e ganha poderes sobre-humanos. Entre os seus poderes estão uma força fora do comum e a habilidade de voar.

    3 - ‘Homem de Ferro’ (2008)

    No primeiro Homem de Ferro, vemos Tony Stark se transformar em herói depois ed um período cativo no Oriente Médio – posteriormente derrotando o Monge de Ferro. Já nos créditos, Nick Fury aparece com a proposta de criar um grupo de pessoas com habilidades especiais.

    4 - ‘Homem de Ferro 2’ (2010)

    Na sequência, Stark passa por uma crise de identidade ao mesmo tempo em que resolve dramas do passado e enfrenta o vilão Chicote Negro. No longa, Viúva Negra aparece para ajudar.

    5 - ‘O Incrível Hulk’ (2008)

    O primeiro filme a ser lançado é o quarto a ser assistido na ordem cronológica. Escondido das autoridades, Bruce Banner tenta encontrar a cura para a sua condição. Porém, durante a trajetória é confrontado por um novo monstro, o Abominável. Tony Stark surge nos créditos.

    6 - ‘Thor’ (2011)

    Na sua história de origem escolhida para o cinema, Thor é enviado à Terra depois de perder o direito a seus poderes. Na trama, seu irmão Loki planeja contra Odin e todo o reino de Asgard.

    7 - ‘Vingadores’ (2012)

    A primeira vez que os heróis se unem. Na trama, a equipe tem a adição do Gavião Arqueiro ao grupo e a principal ameaça do filme é o Loki e o seu exército Chitauri atacando Nova York. Nos créditos, Thanos é apresentado.


    8 - ‘Homem de Ferro 3’ (2013)

    O terceiro filme da trilogia do Homem de Ferro fecha a trama do playboy da Marvel quando ele precisa enfrentar o misterioso Mandarim enquanto sofre psicologicamente as consequências da batalha de Nova York.

    9 - ‘Thor: O Mundo Sombrio’ (2013)

    Thor precisa contar com a ajuda de seus companheiros e até de seu traiçoeiro irmão Loki em um plano audacioso para salvar o universo. Entretanto, os caminhos de Thor se cruzam com Jane Foster e, dessa vez, a vida dela está realmente em perigo. (a joia da realidade aparece sob a forma do Éter).

    10 - ‘Capitão América: O Soldado Invernal’ (2014)

    Após os eventos catastróficos em Nova York com Os Vingadores, Steve Rogers, também conhecido como Capitão América, segue tentando se ajustar ao mundo moderno. Porém, quando um colega da agência S.H.I.E.L.D. é atacado, Steve se vê preso em uma rede de intrigas que ameaça colocar o mundo em risco. Em parceria com a Viúva Negra e Falcão, seu novo aliado, o Capitão América tem que enfrentar um misterioso e inesperado inimigo, o Soldado Invernal.

    11 - ‘Guardiões das Galáxia’ (2014)

    Ampliando o cenário galáctico do quebra-cabeça, somos apresentados ao Senhor das Estrelas, Gamora, Drax, Groot e Rocket Racoon, que por razão do acaso, precisam enfrentar Ronam, aliado de Thanos (a joia do poder aparece sob a forma do Orbe).

    12 - ‘Guardiões da Galáxia Vol. 2’ (2017)

    Na continuação da saga, a equipe enfrenta o seu primeiro Celestial, Ego, pai de Peter Quill. Além disso, a equipe ganha o reforço de Mantis – e Nebulosa (em parte).

    13 - 'Vingadores: Era de Ultron' (2015)

    Ao tentar proteger o planeta de ameaças, Tony Stark constrói um sistema de inteligência artificial que cuidaria da paz mundial. O projeto acaba dando errado e gera o nascimento do Ultron. Com o destino da Terra em jogo, Capitão América, Homem de Ferro, Thor, Hulk, Viúva Negra e Gavião Arqueiro terão que se unir para mais uma vez salvar a raça humana da extinção. O filme também apresenta Feiticeira Escarlate, Mercúrio e Visão (o cetro de Loki se revela o suporte para a joia da mente).

    14 - 'Homem-Formiga' (2015)
    Novo no universo, Scott Lang estreia sua trajetória no estúdio ganhando os poderes do antigo Homem-Formiga, Henry Pym. No meio tempo, ainda precisa mostrar o seu valor para a filha e enfrentar o inescrupuloso Jaqueta Amarela.


    15 - 'Capitão América: Guerra Civil' (2016)

    O ataque de Ultron faz com que os políticos decidam controlar os Vingadores, já que seus atos afetam toda a humanidade. Tal decisão coloca o Capitão América em rota de colisão com o Homem de Ferro. O Homem-Aranha, finalmente, dá as caras no UCM.

    16 - 'Doutor Estranho' (2016)

    No lado mais místico da franquia, Doutor Estranho ganha sua origem no momento em que Stephen Strange busca a cura para as suas mãos, após um acidente de carro. Ele enfrenta Kaecilius durante sua ascensão (o olho de Agamotto, base para a joia do tempo, aparece).

    17 - ‘Homem-Aranha: De Volta ao Lar’ (2017)

    Depois de atuar ao lado dos Vingadores, chegou a hora do pequeno Peter Parker voltar para casa e para a sua vida, já não mais tão normal. Lutando diariamente contra pequenos crimes nas redondezas, ele pensa ter encontrado a missão de sua vida quando o terrível vilão Abutre surge amedrontando a cidade. O problema é que a tarefa não será tão fácil como ele imaginava.

    18 - 'Pantera Negra' (2018)

    Conheça a história de T’Challa, príncipe do reino de Wakanda, que perde o seu pai e viaja para os Estados Unidos, onde tem contato com os Vingadores. Entre as suas habilidades estão a velocidade, inteligência e os sentidos apurados.

    19 - 'Thor: Ragnarok' (2017)

    Thor está preso do outro lado do universo. Ele precisa correr contra o tempo para voltar a Asgard e parar Ragnarok, a destruição de seu mundo, que está nas mãos da poderosa e implacável vilã Hela.

    20 - 'Homem-Formiga e a Vespa' (2018)

    Scott Lang lida com as consequências de suas escolhas tanto como super-herói quanto como pai. Enquanto tenta reequilibrar sua vida com suas responsabilidades como o Homem-Formiga, ele é confrontado por Hope van Dyne e Dr. Hank Pym com uma nova missão urgente. Scott deve mais uma vez vestir o uniforme e aprender a lutar ao lado da Vespa, trabalhando em conjunto para descobrir segredos do passado.

    21 - 'Vingadores: Guerra Infinita' (2018)

    O filme se encaixa diretamente no final de Thor: Ragnarok. Homem de Ferro, Thor, Hulk e os Vingadores se unem para combater seu inimigo mais poderoso, o maligno Thanos. Em uma missão para coletar todas as seis pedras infinitas, Thanos planeja usá-las para infligir sua vontade maléfica sobre a realidade.

    22 - Vingadores: Ultimato (2019)
    Qual a ordem certa para assistir aos filmes da Marvel e ficar "Expert" para VINGADORES: ULTIMATO? Estoure sua pipoca e comece a maratona. FASE UM 1 - ‘Capitão América: O Primeiro Vingador’ (2011) O filme conta como Steve Rogers ganha os poderes do super-soldado e parte para o confronto contra a Hydra e o Caveira Vermelha, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial (a joia do espaço aparece sob a forma do Tesseract). 2 - [fase 3] Capitã Marvel (2019) Em ordem cronológica, Capitã Marvel se passa antes do fim de Guerra Infinita e depois de Capitão América, porém, é interessante pensar no filme como um flashback que ajudará a configurar os eventos de “Avengers: Endgame” em vez de tentar encaixá-los na linha cronológica dos filmes, afinal, Capitã Marvel se passa majoritariamente nos anos 1990. Na trama, conheceremos a aventura de Carol Danvers, uma agente da CIA que tem contato com uma raça alienígena e ganha poderes sobre-humanos. Entre os seus poderes estão uma força fora do comum e a habilidade de voar. 3 - ‘Homem de Ferro’ (2008) No primeiro Homem de Ferro, vemos Tony Stark se transformar em herói depois ed um período cativo no Oriente Médio – posteriormente derrotando o Monge de Ferro. Já nos créditos, Nick Fury aparece com a proposta de criar um grupo de pessoas com habilidades especiais. 4 - ‘Homem de Ferro 2’ (2010) Na sequência, Stark passa por uma crise de identidade ao mesmo tempo em que resolve dramas do passado e enfrenta o vilão Chicote Negro. No longa, Viúva Negra aparece para ajudar. 5 - ‘O Incrível Hulk’ (2008) O primeiro filme a ser lançado é o quarto a ser assistido na ordem cronológica. Escondido das autoridades, Bruce Banner tenta encontrar a cura para a sua condição. Porém, durante a trajetória é confrontado por um novo monstro, o Abominável. Tony Stark surge nos créditos. 6 - ‘Thor’ (2011) Na sua história de origem escolhida para o cinema, Thor é enviado à Terra depois de perder o direito a seus poderes. Na trama, seu irmão Loki planeja contra Odin e todo o reino de Asgard. 7 - ‘Vingadores’ (2012) A primeira vez que os heróis se unem. Na trama, a equipe tem a adição do Gavião Arqueiro ao grupo e a principal ameaça do filme é o Loki e o seu exército Chitauri atacando Nova York. Nos créditos, Thanos é apresentado. FASE DOIS 8 - ‘Homem de Ferro 3’ (2013) O terceiro filme da trilogia do Homem de Ferro fecha a trama do playboy da Marvel quando ele precisa enfrentar o misterioso Mandarim enquanto sofre psicologicamente as consequências da batalha de Nova York. 9 - ‘Thor: O Mundo Sombrio’ (2013) Thor precisa contar com a ajuda de seus companheiros e até de seu traiçoeiro irmão Loki em um plano audacioso para salvar o universo. Entretanto, os caminhos de Thor se cruzam com Jane Foster e, dessa vez, a vida dela está realmente em perigo. (a joia da realidade aparece sob a forma do Éter). 10 - ‘Capitão América: O Soldado Invernal’ (2014) Após os eventos catastróficos em Nova York com Os Vingadores, Steve Rogers, também conhecido como Capitão América, segue tentando se ajustar ao mundo moderno. Porém, quando um colega da agência S.H.I.E.L.D. é atacado, Steve se vê preso em uma rede de intrigas que ameaça colocar o mundo em risco. Em parceria com a Viúva Negra e Falcão, seu novo aliado, o Capitão América tem que enfrentar um misterioso e inesperado inimigo, o Soldado Invernal. 11 - ‘Guardiões das Galáxia’ (2014) Ampliando o cenário galáctico do quebra-cabeça, somos apresentados ao Senhor das Estrelas, Gamora, Drax, Groot e Rocket Racoon, que por razão do acaso, precisam enfrentar Ronam, aliado de Thanos (a joia do poder aparece sob a forma do Orbe). 12 - ‘Guardiões da Galáxia Vol. 2’ (2017) Na continuação da saga, a equipe enfrenta o seu primeiro Celestial, Ego, pai de Peter Quill. Além disso, a equipe ganha o reforço de Mantis – e Nebulosa (em parte). 13 - 'Vingadores: Era de Ultron' (2015) Ao tentar proteger o planeta de ameaças, Tony Stark constrói um sistema de inteligência artificial que cuidaria da paz mundial. O projeto acaba dando errado e gera o nascimento do Ultron. Com o destino da Terra em jogo, Capitão América, Homem de Ferro, Thor, Hulk, Viúva Negra e Gavião Arqueiro terão que se unir para mais uma vez salvar a raça humana da extinção. O filme também apresenta Feiticeira Escarlate, Mercúrio e Visão (o cetro de Loki se revela o suporte para a joia da mente). 14 - 'Homem-Formiga' (2015) Novo no universo, Scott Lang estreia sua trajetória no estúdio ganhando os poderes do antigo Homem-Formiga, Henry Pym. No meio tempo, ainda precisa mostrar o seu valor para a filha e enfrentar o inescrupuloso Jaqueta Amarela. FASE TRÊS 15 - 'Capitão América: Guerra Civil' (2016) O ataque de Ultron faz com que os políticos decidam controlar os Vingadores, já que seus atos afetam toda a humanidade. Tal decisão coloca o Capitão América em rota de colisão com o Homem de Ferro. O Homem-Aranha, finalmente, dá as caras no UCM. 16 - 'Doutor Estranho' (2016) No lado mais místico da franquia, Doutor Estranho ganha sua origem no momento em que Stephen Strange busca a cura para as suas mãos, após um acidente de carro. Ele enfrenta Kaecilius durante sua ascensão (o olho de Agamotto, base para a joia do tempo, aparece). 17 - ‘Homem-Aranha: De Volta ao Lar’ (2017) Depois de atuar ao lado dos Vingadores, chegou a hora do pequeno Peter Parker voltar para casa e para a sua vida, já não mais tão normal. Lutando diariamente contra pequenos crimes nas redondezas, ele pensa ter encontrado a missão de sua vida quando o terrível vilão Abutre surge amedrontando a cidade. O problema é que a tarefa não será tão fácil como ele imaginava. 18 - 'Pantera Negra' (2018) Conheça a história de T’Challa, príncipe do reino de Wakanda, que perde o seu pai e viaja para os Estados Unidos, onde tem contato com os Vingadores. Entre as suas habilidades estão a velocidade, inteligência e os sentidos apurados. 19 - 'Thor: Ragnarok' (2017) Thor está preso do outro lado do universo. Ele precisa correr contra o tempo para voltar a Asgard e parar Ragnarok, a destruição de seu mundo, que está nas mãos da poderosa e implacável vilã Hela. 20 - 'Homem-Formiga e a Vespa' (2018) Scott Lang lida com as consequências de suas escolhas tanto como super-herói quanto como pai. Enquanto tenta reequilibrar sua vida com suas responsabilidades como o Homem-Formiga, ele é confrontado por Hope van Dyne e Dr. Hank Pym com uma nova missão urgente. Scott deve mais uma vez vestir o uniforme e aprender a lutar ao lado da Vespa, trabalhando em conjunto para descobrir segredos do passado. 21 - 'Vingadores: Guerra Infinita' (2018) O filme se encaixa diretamente no final de Thor: Ragnarok. Homem de Ferro, Thor, Hulk e os Vingadores se unem para combater seu inimigo mais poderoso, o maligno Thanos. Em uma missão para coletar todas as seis pedras infinitas, Thanos planeja usá-las para infligir sua vontade maléfica sobre a realidade. 22 - Vingadores: Ultimato (2019)
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    The falcon and the winter soilder
    Anthony Mackie
    Sebastian Stan
    Disney Avengers Marvel Marvel Studios
    The Falcon and the Winter SoldierPosting
    Art Insider ArtistAloud.com Marvel Addicts Marvel's Avengers Marvel fans
    AVENGERS The falcon and the winter soilder Anthony Mackie Sebastian Stan Disney Avengers Marvel Marvel Studios The Falcon and the Winter SoldierPosting Art Insider ArtistAloud.com Marvel Addicts Marvel's Avengers Marvel fans
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  • Marvel's The Falcon and The Winter Soldier feels like it would be much more well paced if it was binged but we love how it establishes the real-world consequences of the #MCU’s disastrous blip. The character development is nearly fantastic all-round, up until the finale where it unfortunately falters by abruptly wrapping up the arcs of a series stand-out, John Walker A.K.A. USAgent and the titular #WinterSoldier as well, who really has nothing much on his plate when compared to the powerful #BlackEmpowerment storyline that was rightly given to #TheFalcon who has a hard time taking up the mantle of #CaptainAmerica passed onto him by #SteveRogers in #AvengersEndgame. This is especially written well and we also thought the inclusion of the #CivilWar antagonist Helmut Zemo was ingenious just because of the resulting unpredictability in character dynamics. The main disappointment in this show is caused due to its villains who come off as under-cooked which could be attributed to the major plot re-writes that took place because of the ongoing pandemic. Over-all, this is a decent and #PrettyGood #Marvel #TVShow that fleshes out the lesser explored characters of the #MarvelCinematicUniverse in a way that is truly earned. #MVTV #TVReview

    #TVSeries Marvel Studios Anthony Mackie Disney+ OSN #Phase4 #Avengers Marvel's Avengers #Endgame #WinterSoldier #Superhero #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier
    Marvel's The Falcon and The Winter Soldier feels like it would be much more well paced if it was binged but we love how it establishes the real-world consequences of the #MCU’s disastrous blip. The character development is nearly fantastic all-round, up until the finale where it unfortunately falters by abruptly wrapping up the arcs of a series stand-out, John Walker A.K.A. USAgent and the titular #WinterSoldier as well, who really has nothing much on his plate when compared to the powerful #BlackEmpowerment storyline that was rightly given to #TheFalcon who has a hard time taking up the mantle of #CaptainAmerica passed onto him by #SteveRogers in #AvengersEndgame. This is especially written well and we also thought the inclusion of the #CivilWar antagonist Helmut Zemo was ingenious just because of the resulting unpredictability in character dynamics. The main disappointment in this show is caused due to its villains who come off as under-cooked which could be attributed to the major plot re-writes that took place because of the ongoing pandemic. Over-all, this is a decent and #PrettyGood #Marvel #TVShow that fleshes out the lesser explored characters of the #MarvelCinematicUniverse in a way that is truly earned. #MVTV #TVReview #TVSeries Marvel Studios Anthony Mackie Disney+ OSN #Phase4 #Avengers Marvel's Avengers #Endgame #WinterSoldier #Superhero #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier
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  • Series Name: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

    “It's far from being a perfect show but The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has a solid story, structure, topics, themes, and cast presence. Like most post-Endgame entry Falcon and the Winter Soldier also deals with loss, recovery, or filling the void in some way.”

    SharpRatings: 8 - #Great

    Ironically #TheFalconAndtheWinterSoldier was the first #Disney+ #MCU television series, it had to open and introduce the new world of television for MCU however #WandaVision came first and everything turns out well because WandaVision is a better introductory show than Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The show starts off months after events of #AvengersEndgame, #CaptainAmerican is gone, #Ironman is gone and the world is without a leader, hell the #Avengers are gone leaving only Falcon to clean up messes, while also trying to help his sister keep their family business up. While Bucky is being evaluated for past crimes. The first episode of the show was actually promising and showed the real potential of what this show could be. From episode 2 and moving forward, the show really grabs its two main leads and the story. There is a lot of necessary political stuff thrown around here and there every episode. On top of all that, you will get an action-comedy duo of Bucky and Sam, something started from the very first moment these two characters shared scree. Like MCU movies the comedy comes at a price and that is storytelling. The final episode was cringy at times. But the last few scenes were really emotional and good. The series done gave action priorities to Sam and emotional priorities to Bucky. Now that's two-good series from MCU. I get why this show is important and will greatly impact the MCU from here on out. The show isn’t heavy on CGI like WandaVision, but the effects are pretty impressive, the action reminded me of #CaptainAmerica movies, while not on par with the movie budget the show delivers very high production values. Costumes, locations, and props are wonderful. #SebastanStan deserves a lot of praise as he gets much-required character development. #DanielBruhl returns as #Zemo, one of my favorite MCU villains, and he gets developed backstory with closure which was left in #CaptainAmericaCivilWar. The show really hits off when we get to see Zemo, Bucky, and Sam together. #AnthonyMackie as Sam also provides a demanding and commanding performance. chemistry and comedy. Also, most of the characters were complex, as they had to deal with their demons, or fight for their own ideals. These characters divide fans and created some fun discussions online. #WyattRussells plays show’s captain America replacement, as mostly has a decent story over the course of 6 episodes. The show's best come in episode 4, you have to watch the show for that moment that shocked the world. One of the most brutally graphic scenes in MCU. Overall, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, or Captain American and the Winter Soldier is a great transition story, its subplots are welcoming but feel more like bait than solid. The cast is enjoying their roles and their characters get much-needed light when the big guns left the universe now, just like WandaVision. The topics and themes are integrated and handled properly. Mature social commentary, hilarious moments, thrilling action sequences, and great chemistry between Anthony and Sebastian that just meshes together like a charm.
    Series Name: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier “It's far from being a perfect show but The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has a solid story, structure, topics, themes, and cast presence. Like most post-Endgame entry Falcon and the Winter Soldier also deals with loss, recovery, or filling the void in some way.” SharpRatings: 8 - #Great Ironically #TheFalconAndtheWinterSoldier was the first #Disney+ #MCU television series, it had to open and introduce the new world of television for MCU however #WandaVision came first and everything turns out well because WandaVision is a better introductory show than Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The show starts off months after events of #AvengersEndgame, #CaptainAmerican is gone, #Ironman is gone and the world is without a leader, hell the #Avengers are gone leaving only Falcon to clean up messes, while also trying to help his sister keep their family business up. While Bucky is being evaluated for past crimes. The first episode of the show was actually promising and showed the real potential of what this show could be. From episode 2 and moving forward, the show really grabs its two main leads and the story. There is a lot of necessary political stuff thrown around here and there every episode. On top of all that, you will get an action-comedy duo of Bucky and Sam, something started from the very first moment these two characters shared scree. Like MCU movies the comedy comes at a price and that is storytelling. The final episode was cringy at times. But the last few scenes were really emotional and good. The series done gave action priorities to Sam and emotional priorities to Bucky. Now that's two-good series from MCU. I get why this show is important and will greatly impact the MCU from here on out. The show isn’t heavy on CGI like WandaVision, but the effects are pretty impressive, the action reminded me of #CaptainAmerica movies, while not on par with the movie budget the show delivers very high production values. Costumes, locations, and props are wonderful. #SebastanStan deserves a lot of praise as he gets much-required character development. #DanielBruhl returns as #Zemo, one of my favorite MCU villains, and he gets developed backstory with closure which was left in #CaptainAmericaCivilWar. The show really hits off when we get to see Zemo, Bucky, and Sam together. #AnthonyMackie as Sam also provides a demanding and commanding performance. chemistry and comedy. Also, most of the characters were complex, as they had to deal with their demons, or fight for their own ideals. These characters divide fans and created some fun discussions online. #WyattRussells plays show’s captain America replacement, as mostly has a decent story over the course of 6 episodes. The show's best come in episode 4, you have to watch the show for that moment that shocked the world. One of the most brutally graphic scenes in MCU. Overall, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, or Captain American and the Winter Soldier is a great transition story, its subplots are welcoming but feel more like bait than solid. The cast is enjoying their roles and their characters get much-needed light when the big guns left the universe now, just like WandaVision. The topics and themes are integrated and handled properly. Mature social commentary, hilarious moments, thrilling action sequences, and great chemistry between Anthony and Sebastian that just meshes together like a charm.
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  • "...The only power I have, is that I believe we can do BETTER."

    My fanart of Anthony Mackie as the heroic Sam Wilson, Marvel's new Captain America. Made in Photoshop CC + Huion Inspiroy Dial.

    Also available on:
    IG » instagram.com/p/CPCz_CQlFfU/
    DeviantArt » http://deviantart.com/.../Sam-Wilson-Captain-America...
    Behance » behance.net/gallery/119774745/Sam-Wilson-Captain-America
    ArtStation » artstation.com/artwork/q9VJre

    #samwilson #falcon #captainamerica #falconandthewintersoldier #steverogers #buckybarnes #wintersoldier #avengers #marvel #marvelcinematicuniverse #mcu #marvelstudios #marvelcomics #kevinfeige #disney+ #huion #photoshop #fanart #digitalfanart #digitalart #digitalartwork #digitalportrait #portraiture #digitalpainting #vexel #vexelart #realism #edrgrafix
    "...The only power I have, is that I believe we can do BETTER." My fanart of Anthony Mackie as the heroic Sam Wilson, Marvel's new Captain America. Made in Photoshop CC + Huion Inspiroy Dial. Also available on: IG » instagram.com/p/CPCz_CQlFfU/ DeviantArt » http://deviantart.com/.../Sam-Wilson-Captain-America... Behance » behance.net/gallery/119774745/Sam-Wilson-Captain-America ArtStation » artstation.com/artwork/q9VJre #samwilson #falcon #captainamerica #falconandthewintersoldier #steverogers #buckybarnes #wintersoldier #avengers #marvel #marvelcinematicuniverse #mcu #marvelstudios #marvelcomics #kevinfeige #disney+ #huion #photoshop #fanart #digitalfanart #digitalart #digitalartwork #digitalportrait #portraiture #digitalpainting #vexel #vexelart #realism #edrgrafix
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  • Mini Iron Man
    Berlin 2020-08-30
    Robert Downey Jr
    Time: 2h 20min
    Format: Polaroid
    Paper: 190 g / m²
    Pencils: 0,3 / 0,7 / 0,9 /2,0 mm HB and Graphite Powder by Koh-i-noor Hardtmuth
    Reference: https://pin.it/6URVqZV
    #robertdowneyjunior #robertdowney #tonistark #ironman #marvel #avenger #avengers #marvelavengers #pencildrawing #traditionalart #traditional #drawingart #germany #pencil #realistic #realisticart #polaroid #polaroidart #world #worlddrawing #drawingoftheday #worldofartists #artwork #actor #art #artist #instagram
    Mini Iron Man Berlin 2020-08-30 . Robert Downey Jr . Time: 2h 20min Format: Polaroid Paper: 190 g / m² Pencils: 0,3 / 0,7 / 0,9 /2,0 mm HB and Graphite Powder by Koh-i-noor Hardtmuth Reference: https://pin.it/6URVqZV . #robertdowneyjunior #robertdowney #tonistark #ironman #marvel #avenger #avengers #marvelavengers #pencildrawing #traditionalart #traditional #drawingart #germany #pencil #realistic #realisticart #polaroid #polaroidart #world #worlddrawing #drawingoftheday #worldofartists #artwork #actor #art #artist #instagram
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  • Iron Man✨
    Berlin 2020-08-08
    Robert Downey Jr
    Time: 22 hours
    Format: A5
    Paper: 190 g / m²
    Pencils: 0,3 / 0,7 / 0,9 / 2,0 mm HB and Graphite Powder by Koh-i-noor Hardtmuth
    Reference: https://pin.it/1RJmx5n
    #robertdowneyjunior #robertdowney #tonistark #ironman #marvel #avenger #avengers #marvelavengers #pencildrawing #traditionalart #traditional #drawingart #germany #pencil #realistic #realisticart #artistoninstagram #actor #realistic_art #realism #realismdrawing #portraitartist #artist #art #instagram #portraitrealism #realismart #world #worlddrawing #worldofartist See Less
    — with Robert Downey Jr.
    Iron Man✨ Berlin 2020-08-08 . Robert Downey Jr . Time: 22 hours Format: A5 Paper: 190 g / m² Pencils: 0,3 / 0,7 / 0,9 / 2,0 mm HB and Graphite Powder by Koh-i-noor Hardtmuth Reference: https://pin.it/1RJmx5n . #robertdowneyjunior #robertdowney #tonistark #ironman #marvel #avenger #avengers #marvelavengers #pencildrawing #traditionalart #traditional #drawingart #germany #pencil #realistic #realisticart #artistoninstagram #actor #realistic_art #realism #realismdrawing #portraitartist #artist #art #instagram #portraitrealism #realismart #world #worlddrawing #worldofartist See Less — with Robert Downey Jr.
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  • Felicia: “ Happy birthday peasant #29057104882 aka ‘Tony’ aka ‘Iron Man’” 🎂🎉❤️✋🏻
    #ironmanday #tonystark #robertdowneyjr #marvel #mcu #ironman #avengers #infinitywar #endgame #birthday #celebrate #stanlee #onesixthscale #sunshinecoast #comics #grogu #starwars #disney #toyographykr3w_felicia #model #hipster #queen #barbie #Toyography #toyartistry #toyuniverse #dollphotogallery #epictoyart #toptoyphotos
    — with Robert Downey Jr and Felicia Upton in Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
    Felicia: “ Happy birthday peasant #29057104882 aka ‘Tony’ aka ‘Iron Man’” 🎂🎉❤️✋🏻 . #ironmanday #tonystark #robertdowneyjr #marvel #mcu #ironman #avengers #infinitywar #endgame #birthday #celebrate #stanlee #onesixthscale #sunshinecoast #comics #grogu #starwars #disney #toyographykr3w_felicia #model #hipster #queen #barbie #Toyography #toyartistry #toyuniverse #dollphotogallery #epictoyart #toptoyphotos — with Robert Downey Jr and Felicia Upton in Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
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