• #JaredLeto #BladeRunner2049 #NianderWallace #SuicideSquad #TheJoker #DallasBuyersClub #Rayon #Alexander #Hephaistion #PanicRoom #AmericanPsycho #PaulAllen #FightClub #AngelFace #30SecondsToMars #30STM #FanArt #Art #Arts #Drawing #Portrait #Artist #Draw #Sketch #Pencil #instaart #instaartist #artlovers #Lichtlein #LichtleinArt #GermanArt #GermanArtist #Aue #DieKunstzeit
    โ–บ Please follow me on FB: www.facebook.com/LichtleinSattler
    #JaredLeto #BladeRunner2049 #NianderWallace #SuicideSquad #TheJoker #DallasBuyersClub #Rayon #Alexander #Hephaistion #PanicRoom #AmericanPsycho #PaulAllen #FightClub #AngelFace #30SecondsToMars #30STM #FanArt #Art #Arts #Drawing #Portrait #Artist #Draw #Sketch #Pencil #instaart #instaartist #artlovers #Lichtlein #LichtleinArt #GermanArt #GermanArtist #Aue #DieKunstzeit - โ–บ Please follow me on FB: www.facebook.com/LichtleinSattler
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  • .."we are bad guys, it's what we do"..
    #suicidesquad #joker #harleyquinn #jaredleto #margotrobbie #cosplay #makeup #movie #dcmovie #DC #harleyquinnsuicidesquad #jokersuicidesquad
    Aldo Benincasa Arianna Amoruso
    thanks Davide Ruvio ph.
    .."we are bad guys, it's what we do".. #suicidesquad #joker #harleyquinn #jaredleto #margotrobbie #cosplay #makeup #movie #dcmovie #DC #harleyquinnsuicidesquad #jokersuicidesquad Aldo Benincasa Arianna Amoruso thanks Davide Ruvio ph.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 309 Views 0 Reviews
  • Movie Poster Showcase

    The Suicide Squad, 2021.

    “They're dying to save the world. Don't get too attached!”


    Margot Robbie as “Harley Quinn”
    Idris Elba as “Bloodsport”
    John Cena as “Peacemaker”
    Joel Kinnaman as “Rick Flag”
    Sylvester Stallone as “King Shark”
    Viola Davis as “Amanda Waller”
    Michael Rooker as “Savant”
    Peter Capaldi as “the Thinker
    Flula Borg as “Javelin”
    Nathan Fillion as “T.D.K.”
    Mayling Ng as “Mongal”
    Jai Courtney as “Captain Boomerang”

    With many, MANY more ...

    DC Comics’ The Suicide Squad opens in Cinemas on the August 5 2021, Internationally on the 6th!

    #TheHeroCollection #THC #TeamTHC #MoviePosterShowcase #TheSuicideSquad #SuicideSquad #DcComic #Dc #WarnerBros #JamesGunn #MargotRobbie #IdrisElba #JoelKinnaman #JohnCena #SylvesterStallone #ViolaDavis #MichaelRooker #PeterCapaldi #NathanFillion #JaiCourtney #HarleyQuinn #Bloodsport #RickFlag #Peacemaker #KingShark #AmadaWaller #Savant #TheThinker #TDK #CaptainBoomerang
    Movie Poster Showcase The Suicide Squad, 2021. “They're dying to save the world. Don't get too attached!” Staring: ๐ŸŽฏ Margot Robbie as “Harley Quinn” ๐ŸŽฏ Idris Elba as “Bloodsport” ๐ŸŽฏ John Cena as “Peacemaker” ๐ŸŽฏ Joel Kinnaman as “Rick Flag” ๐ŸŽฏ Sylvester Stallone as “King Shark” ๐ŸŽฏ Viola Davis as “Amanda Waller” ๐ŸŽฏ Michael Rooker as “Savant” ๐ŸŽฏ Peter Capaldi as “the Thinker ๐ŸŽฏ Flula Borg as “Javelin” ๐ŸŽฏ Nathan Fillion as “T.D.K.” ๐ŸŽฏ Mayling Ng as “Mongal” ๐ŸŽฏ Jai Courtney as “Captain Boomerang” With many, MANY more ... DC Comics’ The Suicide Squad opens in Cinemas on the August 5 2021, Internationally on the 6th! #TheHeroCollection #THC #TeamTHC #MoviePosterShowcase #TheSuicideSquad #SuicideSquad #DcComic #Dc #WarnerBros #JamesGunn #MargotRobbie #IdrisElba #JoelKinnaman #JohnCena #SylvesterStallone #ViolaDavis #MichaelRooker #PeterCapaldi #NathanFillion #JaiCourtney #HarleyQuinn #Bloodsport #RickFlag #Peacemaker #KingShark #AmadaWaller #Savant #TheThinker #TDK #CaptainBoomerang
    0 Comments 0 Shares 560 Views 0 Reviews
  • ¡Un poco de Rock Alternativo en The Suicide Squad (El Escuadrón Suicida)! ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป
    Date el trailer oficial y la canción bit.ly/3CiuUuR
    "Escribí todas las canciones y las reproducíamos en el set mientras rodábamos las escenas. Cuando ves al 'Escuadrón Suicida' caminando a través de la lluvia mientras revienta de fondo 'Hey' de los Pixies, eso es lo que estaba sonando en el set. No solamente mis canciones. John Murphy y yo, escribimos las pistas musicales para las partes importantes mucho antes de filmar el largometraje. Grabamos la cinta con las partituras sonando de fondo. Cuando ves a los protagonistas caminando a lo lejos, y de backingtrack su tema triunfal, eso es lo que estaba pasando en el foro mientras caminaban. Y le daba a los actores la oportunidad de conocer la sensación de cada escena". James Gunn (Director).
    "Hey" es una canción originalmente incluida en "Doolittle", álbum lanzado el 17 de abril de 1989, uno de los mejores cortes de Pixies, banda estadounidense, originaria de Boston, -Y a los cuales bien podríamos considerar como los padres del Rock Alternativo/Indie Rock-, cuya influencia se reflejaría más adelante en bandas como Nirvana y Weezer, entre muchas otras. -La lírica de la rola es "romántica-surrealista", va del amor ilusorio al desamor trágico, pasando por la codependencia, pero todo con un toque irreverente y hasta cómico. ¡Ideal para formar parte del soundtrack de 'Suicide Squad'!-. No es la primera vez que encontramos a Pixies en la banda sonora de momentos épicos en el cine y en a cultura pop, basta con recordar las notas de apertura de "Where is my Mind?", su canción más clásica, musicalizando la maravillosa escena final de 'Fight Club' (El Club de la Pelea), 1999. #RocktopíaMx #TheSuicideSquad #ElEscuadrónSuicida #MargotRobbie #HarleyQuinn #JamesGunn #Pixies
    ¡Un poco de Rock Alternativo en The Suicide Squad (El Escuadrón Suicida)! ๐ŸŽฌ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป Date el trailer oficial y la canción ๐Ÿ‘‰ bit.ly/3CiuUuR [...] "Escribí todas las canciones y las reproducíamos en el set mientras rodábamos las escenas. Cuando ves al 'Escuadrón Suicida' caminando a través de la lluvia mientras revienta de fondo 'Hey' de los Pixies, eso es lo que estaba sonando en el set. No solamente mis canciones. John Murphy y yo, escribimos las pistas musicales para las partes importantes mucho antes de filmar el largometraje. Grabamos la cinta con las partituras sonando de fondo. Cuando ves a los protagonistas caminando a lo lejos, y de backingtrack su tema triunfal, eso es lo que estaba pasando en el foro mientras caminaban. Y le daba a los actores la oportunidad de conocer la sensación de cada escena". James Gunn (Director). "Hey" es una canción originalmente incluida en "Doolittle", álbum lanzado el 17 de abril de 1989, uno de los mejores cortes de Pixies, banda estadounidense, originaria de Boston, -Y a los cuales bien podríamos considerar como los padres del Rock Alternativo/Indie Rock-, cuya influencia se reflejaría más adelante en bandas como Nirvana y Weezer, entre muchas otras. -La lírica de la rola es "romántica-surrealista", va del amor ilusorio al desamor trágico, pasando por la codependencia, pero todo con un toque irreverente y hasta cómico. ¡Ideal para formar parte del soundtrack de 'Suicide Squad'!-. No es la primera vez que encontramos a Pixies en la banda sonora de momentos épicos en el cine y en a cultura pop, basta con recordar las notas de apertura de "Where is my Mind?", su canción más clásica, musicalizando la maravillosa escena final de 'Fight Club' (El Club de la Pelea), 1999. #RocktopíaMx #TheSuicideSquad #ElEscuadrónSuicida #MargotRobbie #HarleyQuinn #JamesGunn #Pixies
    0 Comments 0 Shares 338 Views 0 Reviews
  • Off to see if James Gunn can make the third time the charm with getting Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn into a good movie with The Suicide Squad at Madison Theatre.

    #TheSuicideSquad #JamesGunn #DCComics #DCMovies #DCExtendedUniverse #ComicBookMovies #SuperheroMovies #Posters #MargotRobbie #HarleyQuinn #HarleenQuinzel #IdrisElba #Bloodsport #JohnCena #Peacemaker #KingShark
    Off to see if James Gunn can make the third time the charm with getting Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn into a good movie with The Suicide Squad at Madison Theatre. #TheSuicideSquad #JamesGunn #DCComics #DCMovies #DCExtendedUniverse #ComicBookMovies #SuperheroMovies #Posters #MargotRobbie #HarleyQuinn #HarleenQuinzel #IdrisElba #Bloodsport #JohnCena #Peacemaker #KingShark
    0 Comments 0 Shares 588 Views 0 Reviews
  • Ever since Warner Bros. Pictures pounced on James Gunn to helm The Suicide Squad after the latter’s brief exit from #Marvel, I was hella psyched to see what his vision for the #TaskForceX would be like. And boy, he does not disappoint. #JamesGunn smartly adapts the style of the John Ostrander #Comicbook run of #TheSuicideSquad that dealt with B-grade supervillains that are pretty much considered losers but even they have heart, albeit in certain circumstances. The visionary director brings his own stylistic brand of outrageous fun & brilliant character work as it certainly looks like this is the #Film that he has received the most creative freedom on in his entire #SuperheroMovie career. This is in sharp contrast to the film’s predecessor which was a hodgepodge of a mess because of the studio’s intervention in David Ayer’s #SuicideSquad. But the earlier film does set up a few characters that Gunn uses to his advantage so props for that. Even with a lot going for the film including it’s terrific pacing, war comedy setting & characters, there are still moments that weigh it down including a few jokes that just don’t land. But it’s still so damn cool, especially because of how brilliant the characters in this movie are. #MustWatch #MVTV #FilmReview

    #DCEU #DCExtendedUniverse Margot Robbie Idris Elba John Cena Sylvester Stallone Viola Davis David Dastmalchian Daniela Melchior Taika Waititi Michael Rooker Nathan Fillion Sean Gunn Flula Borg #Superhero #DCComics #DC #SquadGoals
    Ever since Warner Bros. Pictures pounced on James Gunn to helm The Suicide Squad after the latter’s brief exit from #Marvel, I was hella psyched to see what his vision for the #TaskForceX would be like. And boy, he does not disappoint. #JamesGunn smartly adapts the style of the John Ostrander #Comicbook run of #TheSuicideSquad that dealt with B-grade supervillains that are pretty much considered losers but even they have heart, albeit in certain circumstances. The visionary director brings his own stylistic brand of outrageous fun & brilliant character work as it certainly looks like this is the #Film that he has received the most creative freedom on in his entire #SuperheroMovie career. This is in sharp contrast to the film’s predecessor which was a hodgepodge of a mess because of the studio’s intervention in David Ayer’s #SuicideSquad. But the earlier film does set up a few characters that Gunn uses to his advantage so props for that. Even with a lot going for the film including it’s terrific pacing, war comedy setting & characters, there are still moments that weigh it down including a few jokes that just don’t land. But it’s still so damn cool, especially because of how brilliant the characters in this movie are. #MustWatch #MVTV #FilmReview ๐Ÿ”ซ #DCEU #DCExtendedUniverse Margot Robbie Idris Elba John Cena Sylvester Stallone Viola Davis David Dastmalchian Daniela Melchior Taika Waititi Michael Rooker Nathan Fillion Sean Gunn Flula Borg #Superhero #DCComics #DC #SquadGoals
    0 Comments 0 Shares 443 Views 0 Reviews
  • Character Showcase: “Harley Quinn”

    Alter Ego: Harleen Frances Quinzel

    Team Affiliation: The Suicide Squad

    Portrayed by: Margot Robbie

    First appearance: Batman: The Animated Series, Episode #22 - “Joker’s Favor” , September 1992, Warner Bros. Entertainment.
    First Comic appearance: The Batman Adventures #12, September 1993, DC Comics.

    Created by: Paul Dini & Bruce Timm

    Powers / Abilities (comics): Harley Quinn has a “mixed bag” of abilities and skills:
    Trained psychiatrist
    Expert gymnast
    Use of weaponized props
    Genius level intellect
    Skilled hand-to-hand combatant
    Enhanced strength, durability, stamina, reflexes & agility as well as
    Immunity to various toxins - all due to Poison Ivy’s serum!

    #TheHeroCollection #THC #TeamTHC #TheSuicideSquad #DcComics #CharacterShowcase #HarleyQuinn #HarleenQuinzel #MargotRobbie #WarnerBros #WarnerBrosStudios #SuicideSquad #THCAtTheMovies #NowYouKnow #KnowingIsHalfTheBattle #THCTrivia
    Character Showcase: “Harley Quinn” Alter Ego: Harleen Frances Quinzel Team Affiliation: The Suicide Squad Portrayed by: Margot Robbie First appearance: Batman: The Animated Series, Episode #22 - “Joker’s Favor” , September 1992, Warner Bros. Entertainment. First Comic appearance: The Batman Adventures #12, September 1993, DC Comics. Created by: Paul Dini & Bruce Timm Powers / Abilities (comics): Harley Quinn has a “mixed bag” of abilities and skills: ๐Ÿ’ฃ Trained psychiatrist ๐Ÿ’ฃ Expert gymnast ๐Ÿ’ฃ Use of weaponized props ๐Ÿ’ฃ Genius level intellect ๐Ÿ’ฃ Skilled hand-to-hand combatant ๐Ÿ’ฃEnhanced strength, durability, stamina, reflexes & agility as well as Immunity to various toxins - all due to Poison Ivy’s serum! #TheHeroCollection #THC #TeamTHC #TheSuicideSquad #DcComics #CharacterShowcase #HarleyQuinn #HarleenQuinzel #MargotRobbie #WarnerBros #WarnerBrosStudios #SuicideSquad #THCAtTheMovies #NowYouKnow #KnowingIsHalfTheBattle #THCTrivia
    0 Comments 0 Shares 511 Views 0 Reviews
  • The psychological #torment and #anger portrayed by #margotrobbie in #SuicideSquad2 is fantastic as usual.
    and inspiring.
    The #movie itself - in my opinion - did not live up to my expectations, nor did meet the first part!
    The story is weak, the plot like amateurish!.
    Also, what is the justification for #killing all of these?.. The characters who link know-how works in long chains are among the elements of business success..
    I think if it wasn't for #HarleyQuinn's connection to the #Batman universe, the director would have killed her too!!
    Very bad directing.. Also a strange and incomprehensible dependence on a large amount of #violence and #disgust!!
    The #bestactress in this movie is Margo, followed by #IdrisElba.
    #JohnCena made a mistake, by participating in the film, as he turned into just outstanding extra.
    #ViolaDavis did much better in the first part!
    The movie - for me - if was another movie from another production company, I would say that it is of average quality, but because it is Suicide Squad 2, I say: bad!!
    Of course, this is just my personal opinion.
    #samidrawings #suicidesquad #dccomics #joker #dc #batman #justiceleague #comics #comicsartist #illustration #art #drawing #artist #painting #comic #comicart
    The psychological #torment and #anger portrayed by #margotrobbie in #SuicideSquad2 is fantastic as usual. and inspiring. The #movie itself - in my opinion - did not live up to my expectations, nor did meet the first part! The story is weak, the plot like amateurish!. Also, what is the justification for #killing all of these?.. The characters who link know-how works in long chains are among the elements of business success.. I think if it wasn't for #HarleyQuinn's connection to the #Batman universe, the director would have killed her too!! Very bad directing.. Also a strange and incomprehensible dependence on a large amount of #violence and #disgust!! The #bestactress in this movie is Margo, followed by #IdrisElba. #JohnCena made a mistake, by participating in the film, as he turned into just outstanding extra. #ViolaDavis did much better in the first part! The movie - for me - if was another movie from another production company, I would say that it is of average quality, but because it is Suicide Squad 2, I say: bad!! Of course, this is just my personal opinion. ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ู€ #samidrawings #suicidesquad #dccomics #joker #dc #batman #justiceleague #comics #comicsartist #illustration #art #drawing #artist #painting #comic #comicart
    0 Comments 0 Shares 515 Views 0 Reviews
  • Piccola live su @thesuicidesquad di @jamesgunn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAGKEW_mhQg si parla di #mcu e #dceu e dei film di #supereroi in generale... un excursus sui #superheromovies
    — with James Gunn and Margot Robbie.
    Piccola live su @thesuicidesquad di @jamesgunn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAGKEW_mhQg si parla di #mcu e #dceu e dei film di #supereroi in generale... un excursus sui #superheromovies — with James Gunn and Margot Robbie.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 365 Views 0 Reviews
kishan 2