• Здраво драги пријатељи, да се брзо упознамо. Моје име је Велиславка Божовић. Ја сам професионални кладионичар. Ова активност ми омогућава да зарадим много новца и живим срећним животом.
    Здраво драги пријатељи, да се брзо упознамо. Моје име је Велиславка Божовић. Ја сам професионални кладионичар. Ова активност ми омогућава да зарадим много новца и живим срећним животом.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 0 Anterior
  • Okay, if you're a russian (or maybe some pro-russian idiot) and keep telling stories about how you're "not interested in politics" - just delete this contact. Пошли нахуй, животные, in your language.

    Russia first de-facto occupied Belarus, which is finally recognized, so I will probably never see my home again in a few years, at least. Then it started a war, and there are too many russians that support it. The reason is far worse than just propaganda, unfortunately.

    Please support ukranian military. You can donate here, use direct transfer if web payment stuff doesn't work with your card: https://lnkd.in/ddYGH7-j

    Слава Украіне! Жыве Беларусь!

    Burning russian tank, 26.02.2022.
    Okay, if you're a russian (or maybe some pro-russian idiot) and keep telling stories about how you're "not interested in politics" - just delete this contact. Пошли нахуй, животные, in your language. Russia first de-facto occupied Belarus, which is finally recognized, so I will probably never see my home again in a few years, at least. Then it started a war, and there are too many russians that support it. The reason is far worse than just propaganda, unfortunately. Please support ukranian military. You can donate here, use direct transfer if web payment stuff doesn't work with your card: https://lnkd.in/ddYGH7-j Слава Украіне! Жыве Беларусь! Burning russian tank, 26.02.2022.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 0 Anterior
kishan 2