Novak Djokovic
Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic grabbed headlines when he refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19, even if it meant forfeiting the chance to compete in international tournaments. Djokovic was criticised for acting like an overprivileged celebrity and for jeopardising the safety of others.

However, Djokovic stood by his decision and insisted that he wasn’t against vaccination but didn’t want to be forced to put things in his body against his will. Djokovic ended up missing several coveted tennis tournaments.
Novak Djokovic Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic grabbed headlines when he refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19, even if it meant forfeiting the chance to compete in international tournaments. Djokovic was criticised for acting like an overprivileged celebrity and for jeopardising the safety of others. However, Djokovic stood by his decision and insisted that he wasn’t against vaccination but didn’t want to be forced to put things in his body against his will. Djokovic ended up missing several coveted tennis tournaments.
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