Mark Ruffalo
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  • Marahnya Hulk
    Mark Ruffalo, bintang super hero Avengers mengatakan sudah waktunya sanksi dijatuhkan kepada Israel untuk membebaskan warga #Palestina. "Sanksi terhadap Afrika Selatan membantu membebaskan warga kulit hitamnya - inilah saatnya sanksi terhadap Israel untuk membebaskan warga Palestina . Bergabunglah dengan seruan itu" tulis Mark Ruffalo di Twitter, Selasa malam.
    Terkenal dengan berbagai peran di Hollywood , termasuk Hulk , Ruffalo menulis "1.500 warga Palestina menghadapi pengusiran di Jerusalem. 200 pengunjuk rasa telah terluka, 9 anak telah terbunuh.” la juga menggunakan tagar #SheikhJarrah , sebuah lingkungan di #Yerusalem Timur tempat warga Palestina berada yang terancam digusur dari rumah mereka .Ruffalo juga membagikan tautan untuk petisi , "Selamatkan rumah Palestina di Yerusalem” ' Dia menulis, “Perlakuan terhadap rakyat Palestina telah menjadi noda di hati nurani dunia. Sudah waktunya bagi dunia untuk berdiri dan bertindak, untuk menjatuhkan sanksi pada industri-industri utama Israel sampai Palestina diberikan hak sipil yang penuh dan setara. Kami menghimbau Anda untuk kepemimpinan moral dan tindakan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa.
    Marahnya Hulk Mark Ruffalo, bintang super hero Avengers mengatakan sudah waktunya sanksi dijatuhkan kepada Israel untuk membebaskan warga #Palestina. "Sanksi terhadap Afrika Selatan membantu membebaskan warga kulit hitamnya - inilah saatnya sanksi terhadap Israel untuk membebaskan warga Palestina . Bergabunglah dengan seruan itu" tulis Mark Ruffalo di Twitter, Selasa malam. Terkenal dengan berbagai peran di Hollywood , termasuk Hulk , Ruffalo menulis "1.500 warga Palestina menghadapi pengusiran di Jerusalem. 200 pengunjuk rasa telah terluka, 9 anak telah terbunuh.” la juga menggunakan tagar #SheikhJarrah , sebuah lingkungan di #Yerusalem Timur tempat warga Palestina berada yang terancam digusur dari rumah mereka .Ruffalo juga membagikan tautan untuk petisi , "Selamatkan rumah Palestina di Yerusalem” ' Dia menulis, “Perlakuan terhadap rakyat Palestina telah menjadi noda di hati nurani dunia. Sudah waktunya bagi dunia untuk berdiri dan bertindak, untuk menjatuhkan sanksi pada industri-industri utama Israel sampai Palestina diberikan hak sipil yang penuh dan setara. Kami menghimbau Anda untuk kepemimpinan moral dan tindakan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa.
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  • Series Name: I Know This Much is True

    “Best Mark Ruffalo performance of his career. I Know This Much Is True is a very slow burn tragic drama that never sees sunshine. Its gloomy, sad and sobfest, leaves you with bitter taste rather than satisfying one.”

    SharpRatings: 9 - #Amazing

    #DerekCianfrance is no stranger to drama, I would say all his movies are based on sad romance/drama. Derek is the perfect choice for #IKnowThisMuchIsTrue. A mini-series that is the epitome of sadness and tragic event. The show is the most tragic, gloomy, and saddest show I have ever seen. It's a very slow burn but thanks to #MarkRuffalo you get past many scenes. Normally a show would knock down a character in its narrative and by the end of the show or episode you just know there is a rainbow, meaning the character would get a happy ending but not for I Know This Much is True, over the course of 6 episodes the show repeatedly throws, knocks and brings our main character down with dark themes, past, and characters. Ruffalo plays twins in the series, Dominick and Thomas Birdsey, Dominick is a painter who has dedicated his life to protect and take care of his schizophrenic brother. In doing so, Dominick has neglected his personal life, relationship, and duties. When we meet Dominick, he is already living a ruined life, over the 6 episodes dark past and revelations come to light and we see Dominick’s ruin life fall down even more. This has to be the best performance I have seen by Mark Ruffalo. It is pitch-perfect and without doubt the best of the year. Mark Ruffalo delivers what may be the finest performance of his career. Gritty, challenging. As Dominick he dominates but we also see his dynamic presence as Thomas, even though it's a minor appearance we see Ruffalo playing a demanding role as Thomas. Directed by Derek Cianfrance, the series resembles any of his films, the beautiful, grey-yet-beautiful cinematography. That would end being one of the underrated highlights of I Know This Much is True. Most of the scenes play out with smart scores and photography. People who are accustomed to films from Cianfrance would know what to expect from his HBO miniseries. The story is good and the frenetic nature of the plot pulls you in. You are left with questions, for example, Dominick never learns who his father is from his mother (#MelissaLeo) and he constantly questions his own identity throughout the series. His lack of knowledge about his father leads to anger towards his stepfather, Ray (#JohnProcaccino). Not having a loving father figure makes him question his self-worth and why his father would not want to raise him and his brother. Anger and sadness are interchangeable, similar to love and hate. The mystery of his father contributes to the mood of the series well. The ending of the show is rather let-down for me but overall it's still a great ending. Overall, The successful casting is the main triumph here and probably gives this film series more credence than it may have otherwise accomplished but we can't take away from the production and filmmaking of solid series.
    Series Name: I Know This Much is True “Best Mark Ruffalo performance of his career. I Know This Much Is True is a very slow burn tragic drama that never sees sunshine. Its gloomy, sad and sobfest, leaves you with bitter taste rather than satisfying one.” SharpRatings: 9 - #Amazing #DerekCianfrance is no stranger to drama, I would say all his movies are based on sad romance/drama. Derek is the perfect choice for #IKnowThisMuchIsTrue. A mini-series that is the epitome of sadness and tragic event. The show is the most tragic, gloomy, and saddest show I have ever seen. It's a very slow burn but thanks to #MarkRuffalo you get past many scenes. Normally a show would knock down a character in its narrative and by the end of the show or episode you just know there is a rainbow, meaning the character would get a happy ending but not for I Know This Much is True, over the course of 6 episodes the show repeatedly throws, knocks and brings our main character down with dark themes, past, and characters. Ruffalo plays twins in the series, Dominick and Thomas Birdsey, Dominick is a painter who has dedicated his life to protect and take care of his schizophrenic brother. In doing so, Dominick has neglected his personal life, relationship, and duties. When we meet Dominick, he is already living a ruined life, over the 6 episodes dark past and revelations come to light and we see Dominick’s ruin life fall down even more. This has to be the best performance I have seen by Mark Ruffalo. It is pitch-perfect and without doubt the best of the year. Mark Ruffalo delivers what may be the finest performance of his career. Gritty, challenging. As Dominick he dominates but we also see his dynamic presence as Thomas, even though it's a minor appearance we see Ruffalo playing a demanding role as Thomas. Directed by Derek Cianfrance, the series resembles any of his films, the beautiful, grey-yet-beautiful cinematography. That would end being one of the underrated highlights of I Know This Much is True. Most of the scenes play out with smart scores and photography. People who are accustomed to films from Cianfrance would know what to expect from his HBO miniseries. The story is good and the frenetic nature of the plot pulls you in. You are left with questions, for example, Dominick never learns who his father is from his mother (#MelissaLeo) and he constantly questions his own identity throughout the series. His lack of knowledge about his father leads to anger towards his stepfather, Ray (#JohnProcaccino). Not having a loving father figure makes him question his self-worth and why his father would not want to raise him and his brother. Anger and sadness are interchangeable, similar to love and hate. The mystery of his father contributes to the mood of the series well. The ending of the show is rather let-down for me but overall it's still a great ending. Overall, The successful casting is the main triumph here and probably gives this film series more credence than it may have otherwise accomplished but we can't take away from the production and filmmaking of solid series.
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