What skills do i need to build a website and monetise it?

Ravi Kumar
Entrou: 2021-09-02 07:50:50
2022-09-22 05:18:13

Hi, i have created a website and now i want to monetize this. What skills do I need to have for it?

Kavya Khowal
Entrou: 2022-07-31 06:06:21
2022-09-22 05:20:29

I will answer with my experience. These are the skills I have so that my website can make money.

UIUX Design
Critical Thinking
Social Media Planner

Believe it or not, notice that most people who are famous on social media have a website. Now the purpose of creating a website is so that fans or audiences want to provide their data (email, name, etc). Which will be used to launch new products or the latest news from them.

The skills above can be developed as needed. You can start from anywhere, or if you feel do not have time you can use freelance services. And you can focus on the business side.

So, for our website to get a ton of traffic the key is to create quality content. To create quality content you have to learn. The problem is when we create quality content. Can users find easily your content? of course not!.

There is a name for SEO, with SEO your article is much easier to find. But the problem with SEO is that it takes time. You have to fight some of the big websites on google. It can take 6 - 12 months to get your articles on page one.

My advice, for those of you who are just starting out, using this Twitter and Quora platform as your fan base. When you get 1K followers, Guide them slowly to visit your website.

So, your task from now on is:

Pick a niche
Choose a platform (Twitter or quora)
Write everyday
Focus on value

When your blog got viewers 100 or 1000/day, you can consider putting affiliate or AdSense. besides, get money for paying (hosting and domain).

Some bloggers think, when they get a lot of traffic then they put the ads anywhere. They will earn a lot of money.

I think this is wrong, we build websites for long-term business. We make a website for solving user problems.

When they come to your website, your user finds your blog off of ads. I’m sure sooner or later your website will be left to the user.