Players have been designing custom jump shots in NBA 2K23 based on visuals and personal experience for a long time. Any discussion of what is "best" is marred by general feelings about stats, player preferences, and no one can figure it out. Players can prepare enough NBA 2K23 MT in the game.


Finally, NBA 2K23 decided to show players the rankings behind every aspect of their jump shot in the form of a rating. Now, players can actually formulate the best jump shot for each position. There are three height ranges; this is a custom jumper for everyone.


Update by Hodey Johns on February 26, 2023: We're halfway through the NBA year, and in the interim, players have gotten several seasons of new content. These include brand new exciting in-game animations. The concept of shooting remains the same; what players want is a shot that ignores defenses, has a high release, is fast, and is easy to time out. This set of requirements applies to guards, forwards and big men. Standard shots aren't even as good as custom jump shots. This guide has been updated to include optimal animations for all new content, tweaked animations, and rebalanced stats to ensure players use the best jump shots in the game.


As if it wasn't enough that shorter players get all the best organization badges, they also have the highest shooting potential. All three of the best shots were A-, which is the least relevant stat since it only prevents blocks. If the shot is contested anyway, it probably won't go in. Thankfully, shooters from beyond the arc don't have to worry about that.


Three A+ numbers are a nightmare for opposing defenses. Not only is their defense pointless, but they hit the ball as quickly and as easily as possible onto the green.


NBA 2K23 Short Guard Shot

Pros will be using this for a while now, and unless it gets nerfed, it will be a custom shot option for defenders for a full year. In the right position as a shooting guard, a player can even break the 100-point mark with such a sweet shot.


This height is already the height of the best three-point shooter in the game. Add it as a custom jumper, and for defenders who won't even pray to stop the onslaught, it's all over. The only difference between this shot and the one below is a slight drop from A+ to A in temporal impact.


For the extra height, it's nothing. Getting a great launch is still pretty easy. The two most important attributes, defensive immunity and release speed, both reached the highest A+ rating.


NBA 2K23 Center Shooting

The fact that the forward can catch the ball is almost absurd, especially for the extra five inches from the final shot. A small forward with a good team around them will lead the league in scoring without too many games. For more game guides, please visit