Omaada Products features allow users to buy, sell and trade items with other people in their locality. 

What does Omaada Marketplace do?

Omaada Marketplace is a digital marketplace where users can arrange to buy, sell and trade items with other people in their area. All transactions take place outside of the website, and are not considered in any legal sense to be Omaada’s responsibility. This features allows you to:

  • Search for items to buy
  • Browse for-sale items by category and/or location
  • Create item listings. You can add photos from your device. Items are sorted according to location and category.
  • Message buyers/sellers to arrange transactions

Omaada plays no role in facilitating or managing transactions – users are expected to work that part out between themselves.

Who can use Omaada Marketplace?

Anyone who falls answers that description is free to buy, sell and trade items using Omaada Marketplace.

How does Omaada Marketplace fit in to the online marketplace scene?

The product clearly needs some work at this stage, but in the long run, omaada Marketplace possesses the potential to rival the likes of Gumtree, ebay and Amazon Marketplace as a hub for small-scale commerce.