Doing promotion of your business or brand through your Omaada Business Page is always a great way to build more and more audience, but once your following starts taking off, it’s time to consider how you can make relationship-building to the next level. If events are the answer for you—as they are for many small businesses—Omaada Events may be the digital solution you need to grow your guest list and organize a successful brand experience.

Just creating Omaada event doesn’t guarantee a growing guest list. If you want to make your next public event a success, using Omaada Events is the key. Here are some ideas using which you can earn more RSVPs through the social media platform.

Plan Out an Interesting Agenda

Before getting started on your Omaada event, plan out the details of your actual event. What’s going to happen the day of, from beginning to end? What will make it stand out? Whether you’re bringing on big-name guests, give away exclusive prizes for attendees. This will help you get creative in the next steps, so your Omaada events page stands out as soon as you launch it.

Choose a Creative Event Name

Your Omaada event name can make or break your audience’s interest. To win a click into your event page, you definitely want to get creative—try out some wordplay or choose a catchy title—but the title should also reflect what your event is all about, instead of being overly unique or vague. For example, if you’re hosting a Valentine’s Day lunch, don’t just title it “Valentine’s Party.” Give it a fun and more specific title like “Luncheon For Lovers.”

Create a Stunning Omaada Event Photo

Just like your event name, your event photo plays an important role in earning clicks. Create an eye-catching design that reflects your brand and gives users insight into what your event is all about.

Write Out an Exciting Description

Your title and event photo may draw Omaada users in, but your event details will ultimately earn you the RSVPs you need. This is where the interesting agenda you planned out will come in handy.

Using your unique brand voice, write about what attendees can expect from the event, highlighting the most exciting details at the top of your description. Feel free to get creative!

Share Your Event Across Social Media

Once your event is published, you can start your promotions by sharing your event on your Omaada business page. This can be as simple as sharing a direct link to the event with an interesting caption—just don’t forget a call to action that encourages your followers to learn more or RSVP.

The best part is, you don’t need to brand new graphics to share on other platforms. With Adobe Creative Cloud Express, you can resize your graphics for Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more in just a few taps!

Invite Your Friends

With all the content that’s being uploaded to Omaada each day, some followers are bound to miss your event posts. Luckily, you can at least ensure your friends get the message by inviting them to the event through your personal account. This will send them a direct notification about the event.