In database management an aggregate function is a function where the values of multiple rows are grouped together as input on certain criteria to form a single value of more significant meaning.

Various Aggregate Functions are as follows:

1) Count()

2) Sum()

3) Avg()

4) Min()

5) Max()



Count(*): Returns total number of records .i.e 6.
Count(salary): Return number of Non Null values over the column salary. i.e 5.
Count(Distinct Salary):  Return number of distinct Non Null values over the column salary .i.e 4



sum(salary):  Sum all Non Null values of Column salary i.e., 310
sum(Distinct salary): Sum of all distinct Non-Null values i.e., 25



Avg(salary) = Sum(salary) / count(salary) = 310/5
Avg(Distinct salary) = sum(Distinct salary) / Count(Distinct Salary) = 250/4



Min(salary): Minimum value in the salary column except NULL i.e., 40.
Max(salary): Maximum value in the salary i.e., 80.