
The primary impact guest blogging will have on your site's SEO is through your site's link profile. As you contribute to new sites, you should secure new links on new websites (where you contribute your post).

Backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors in search engine optimization, and will be for the foreseeable future.

There are a few aspects to how Google gauges a link. This includes the domain and page the link is on, the placement of the link on the page, and the anchor text (the clickable part of the text).

In this section I will explain how to use the links you earn from guest blogging to improve your SEO strategy.

A quick word on nofollow links: you should aim (in most of the cases) for a normal link from blogs, but don't sweat a few nofollow links in the process.

Link Placement

Ideally your link will be placed within the body of the article, relevant to the surrounding context and supporting the article.

Guest posts also commonly have a biographical paragraph that speak about your background and/or your company. Typically the author includes a link explaining their background within the bio.

That is pretty fine, but you should be willing to ask the blogger for a link in the article’s body, particularly if it serves value to the post, the reader, and makes sense in context.

Why is a link in the body important?

It creates a more natural link - for the reader, for your website, and should support your post. It's not only better for SEO, but it's more likely to actually be clicked by readers.

Anchor Text in SEO

The anchor text in a link are the words hyperlinked.

Here is the html for the creation of a link:
<a href="">This is an example of anchor text.</a>.

In this instance, the anchor text would be "This is an example of anchor text."
There are a few different types of anchor text:

•   Branded: your brand's name, i.e. Page One Power, P1P,
•   Keyword rich: the specific keyword you want to rank for i.e. "link building agency", "link building company", "link building service".
•   Partial match: a piece of the specific keyword you want to rank for, i.e. "Page One Power is a link building firm", "this company who specializes in links", etc.
•   URL: the full or partial URL of the page, i.e.
•   White noise: this, here, that, link, click here, etc.

Anchor text clues search engines and users alike into what the page is about, and can have a large impact on rankings. For instance, if you want a certain page to rank for ‘social media marketing’ on Google, then you might want to have lots of links with that particular anchor phrase pointing to that certain page.