Guest blogging or sometimes called guest posting is a practice of writing a blog post to another person’s blog. People do this to enhance relationships, exposure, authority and the most important thing to Create Bakclinks.

The most important and primary ranking factor in Google are Links. And in guest blogging you write Links (Backlinks) which links back to your website.

Now the concept is very simple, You write an article or a blog post as per the needs to the blogger whom blog are you using to post your article and in return you get a Backlink. It is commonly present at the bottom of the article. The place where backlink is written is known as Author Box.

A blogger always welcomes to content writers which write and posts high quality content to their blogs.  Using these they can attract new readers to their blogs and also they can share these posts to their existing readers or audience.

This way guest blog posting or blogging is a win-win solution for both, one who want to attract new readers to his blog and wants high quality content for their blog and one who want to have permanent backing to his website hence increasing the search engine ranking of both.