Whether you're at work or at college as an online student, you're probably already hooked on your computer and its Internet connections. But do you ever wonder how your favorite video games like World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 11 manage to gain such large audiences? Maybe you yourself are secret gamers, but can't seem to find the time or the motivation to try it out.

Look, playing video games for hours is fun, and it has been proven that playing video games can often be a great supplement to regular exercise like playing a sport, or going swimming. So, why not combine the enjoyment of your favorite video games with the thrill of exercise?

These games are mostly designed for a broad audience of all ages. Its original artistic concept, that being the combination of puzzle solving and action filled games, separates it from the rest of the gaming universe. But then again, many other games are also subsets, or regarded as, income generating entertainment when they make money.

Action / Quiz Games

Good question... How do you solve a problem faster than you can with other quizzes and quizzes you've tried in the past? The trick lies in the diversity of the formats. Use a combination of standard quizzes like instantly solving a jigsaw puzzle, taking a quiz about castles, cooking quizzes, etc. Remember, these are all available types of games to play virtually. You can play a game to take a quiz with friends from around the globe, aspect quizzes and other unusual variants, too.

Puzzle Games

Take a question from a fantasy world and put it into a modern format; a board game or cards or more. Most often these games test logical skill sets. Can you name a human being who could point out every detail about a dream in wakefulness? Probably not, but he or she is probably thinking the same thing. These games don't focus merely on trivia, though. They train a wide range of skills.

Games / Puzzles

Unlike the above categories, these focus more on the fun aspects of trivia, and frequently the player can use logic and reasoning to "puzzle" the SOLUTION. These tend to be more colorful, with lots of animation, sound, and graphics.


All board games arecaster, unless obviouslymovie-related. There are many board games that test players skills with strategy, dilemma and other skills. Some of the most famous are: Scrabble, Chess, Backgammon, Life, Chutes and Ladders, Guess Who? and Stratego.

Computer Games

Although their focus is often on skill and puzzle solving, computer games test many different skill areas. They include skill based skills, such as pattern recognition, and more abstract skills, such as problem solving and problem solving based skills. Often these are more loosely grouped, as there is the computer game for everyone, but some are devoted to certain skill areas only.


Another category is thezowpalooza, which are zany versions of classic word games like spider or checkers. Such games include word overload, word training, hangman, crossword puzzles, scrabble and anagram.


MySpace Games is a social networking site that many people are starting to see adverts for. Often these will include a download option so that you can quickly try the game out, and then can join when you're ready. The site is fast and fun to play, and is really a great way to meet new people. Before and during the swimsuit edition, they showed me how to get my room ready for the season! So, if you can't swim, they can at least get you ready!

Swimsuit Edition

Then of course there is swimsuit edition, which is basically the same as a regular MySpace Game, except that you wear your swimsuit when you're on vacation or going to a friend's house and are not in your own house. There are 24 different outfits to choose from, including Extras and Speedos. I bought it on Sunday and so far I like it. They show you how to put on and off your swimsuit. The next step is to select the tournament and you can either decide to turn on or turn off the motion sensors.

After trying it out for a couple of hours, it's nice to see that it works, and that you can also remove your swimsuit when you're ready to get out of the water. There are four different outfits to choose from and you can pick the one you want at the same time, or you can opt to go through and choose what you want in any order.