When someone creates a full featured social networking website, the only question that comes to his/her mind is how should he/she promote this website? By creating a social networking website your journey is started and it is gonna be a very exciting journey. Today, over the internet social media websites are most visited websites.

Promoting your website on the internet is just like competition to find and convert the right people for your particular objective.

Here we are going to explain the ways that you can promote your social networking website and stand out from this big competition.

Get to know about your Audiences:

Getting to know simply means that you should have an answer to the question: “Who are your website Audiences?” And to get an answer to this question you should think about: the target age, gender, interest and the geographic location of your Audiences which you want to have on your website.

You should also keep in mind that most social networkers are already using popular social networking websites like Facebook, Instagram, Google + and others. Now, deciding and targeting your Audiences will stand you out from this crowd of other social networking websites.

And To achieve this, get to know about keyword searches this audience might do to find sites like yours, and then have a look at keyword search volume on Google. 

Perform Beta Testing:

When you know Social networkers have lots of choices, and they surely do not have the time or they are not willing to deal with problems on the platform they are using. So before you final launch your website, you should have a beta site and that has been tested again and again. And it should be tested one more time for best measures, And If you have the budget for private and third party testing, then you should consider private or third-party testing. They will not only do a thorough job, but they may notice problems that over time you have come to ignore

In addition, test website for the user experience, make sure to include server and load testing: When sites go slow or down, visitors will leave your website.

Provide data to your website:

A general mistake we do is that after building a website we think that visitors will come and do the stuffs you want. But in real no visitor will commit to do that unless and until they see relevant content on website already uploaded. So always seed your website with the relevant content. 

It is very simple to understand that on a social networking website there a lot like using a blog or a forum and if visitors do not see any activity like posting, commenting etc.  they will leave.

Traffic generation networks:

A social networking site requires a big online buzz generation. So before the launch or in prelaunch stage you should have a big social network and you should be in touch of social influencers. And after launching your website you should take this benefit from blogs and forums.

Use Technorati and Google Blog Search to identify the popular blogs that focus on your demographic area and niche. Then, after when you have conducted beta testing and you’re proud of your site, contact the major bloggers and influencers in your demographic area and ask them to beta test your site prior to launch. By reaching out to them early, you are showing that you respect their knowledge and you really value their feedback.

Do not underestimate the power of SEO:

Getting most of the traffic from search engines an important thing. But getting free traffic by showing your website in search engine results is the most important thing. And to achieve this you should be aware if the keywords and continually optimize your site and its pages.

Social Approach:

Make sure you also link to all your Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles from your main site – basically, anywhere you’ve created an account related to your brand.

Encourage your active Audiences:

You should of think of the option or features of your website by which you can encourage your website visitors. You should have a feature in your website that visitors or community a interact with each other by chat, comments or something else. 

Things you should do to facilitate interaction: comment on user comments, create contests for things like adding content, allow users to vote, and let users submit questions.